Page 349 - CTDT QTKD 2020
P. 349

3     Appraise the results of a variety of budgets for planning and               h1
                          controlling purposes.
                          Apply management accounting techniques to calculate flexible-
                    4     budget variances and/or total variance, price variances and                 h2
                          efficiency variances of direct-cost categories for planning and
                          control purposes in an essay

               b. Mapping Course Learning Outcomes and Student Outcomes:

                 CLOs        a        b         c       d         e        f        g        h        i

                    1                 E

                    2                 E

                    3                                                                        E

                    4                                                                        E

               7. Lecture content

                                                                        Class No.                Teaching
                 No                   Lecture content                                CLOs
                                                                         (Th/Pr)                  method
                       Chapter 1:  Managerial accounting: an                                  - Lecture
                       overview                                                               - Drill and
                       1.1. What Is Managerial Accounting?                                    practice
                       1.2. Why Does Managerial Accounting
                  1    Matter to Your Career?                               3           1     - Self-study
                       1.3. What Skills Do Managers Need to
                       1.4. The Importance of Ethics in Business
                       1.5. Corporate Social Responsibility
                       Chapter 2: Managerial accounting and                                   - Lecture

                       cost concepts                                                          - Dictate
                       2.1 General Cost Classifications                                       questioning
                       2.2 Product Costs versus Period Costs                                  - Drill and
                       2.3 Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost                           practice
                       Behavior                                                               - Problem
                  2    2.4 The Analysis of Mixed Costs                      6           1     solving
                       2.5 Traditional and Contribution Format                                - Self-study
                       Income Statements

                       2.6 Cost Classifications for Assigning Costs
                       to Cost Objects
                       2.7 Cost Classifications for Decision
                       Chapter 3: Cost-volume-profit                                          - Lecture

                  3    relationships                                        12          2     - Dictate

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