Cooperation with Dong Hwa University and the University of ILan, Taiwan

From 11 to 14 November 2018, the delegation of university officials led by the Principal, Dr. Nguyen Thien Tue, visited to National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) and National Ilan University (NIU) in Taiwan with the aim of understanding and developing opportunities for cooperation with two universities.

Working with National Dong Hwa University

At Dong Hoa University, the delegation was TS. Chao, Han-Chieh, the university principal and representatives of some functional departments and warmly welcome training units. At Dong Hwa University, the delegation was TS. Po-Ching Wu, the university principal and representatives of some functional departments and attentive reception units.

At each university, the delegation was guided to visit the facilities for training, learning, and living for university officials, lecturers, and students such as lecture halls, research rooms, practice workshops. , libraries, dormitories, houses for teachers, kindergartens, etc. are adequate and comfortable. It can be seen that NDHU and NIU are the ideal place for teaching, learning, and research for both students and lecturers.

Working with National Nghi Lan University

The parties had general discussions between the leaders of the two universities and the discussions between the leaders of the training units were very positive and productive. The Board of Directors of Dong Hoa University and Ilan University are very supportive of the development of cooperation with Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City in lecturer, student exchange, and research programs.

This will be an excellent opportunity for lecturers of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City to study, improve their professional qualifications, co-study and teach in two universities. Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City is also ready to welc ome NDHU and NIU faculty and students to work and study at IUH.

The principals of the two universities signed cooperation agreements and discussed in detail the contents to be implemented in the next time.

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