Vo Huu Khanh, MBA
Vo Huu Khanh, MBA Email: Vohuukhanh@iuh.edu.vn Department: Strategic Management Professional fields: Economic and State Management [...]
Ho Nhat Hung, MBA
Ho Nhat Hung, MBA Email: hungho0308@gmail.com Department: Operation Management Department Professional fields: Business Administration Scientific [...]
Vo Thi Thuy Hoa, MBA
Vo Thi Thuy Hoa, MBA Email: Vothithuyhoa@iuh.edu..vn Department: Operation Management Professional fields: Business Administration and [...]
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hoa, MBA
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hoa, MBA Email: nguyenthingochoa@iuh.edu.vn Department: Operation Management Department Professional fields: Business Administration [...]
Tran Hoang Giang, MBA
Tran Hoang Giang, MBA Email: tranhoanggiang@iuh.edu.vn Department: Operation Management Department Professional fields: Business Administration and [...]