The “IUHBASS 2019” workshop of the Faculty of Business Administration is a scientific activity that the first time attracted interested participants who are the current IUH students with outstanding achievement in studying and researching. Lecturers lead the program with excellent academic results from IUH and other prominent universities in Ho Chi Minh city.

The research’s quality of the participating students has been recognised as having a high level of knowledge; with the effort, and the spirit of learning and studying are remarkable.

To make quality science’s topics, students should be aware of the role of the research for the study and future’s orientations. Students should be positive, proactive in planning, studying and researching. Defining a clear goal, choosing the best methods for the learning improvement, and keeping the balance between studying and researching are also the priorities. Besides, students also need to learn how to arrange, allocate reasonable time, select the appropriate document filter for reference, etc.

When engaging activities of scientific research, students can be supported by qualified lecturers and received many privileges in learning as earning bonus points when doing a thesis, or getting favour when taking the exam to postgraduate, or being scored extra points in case of taking a PhD course.

Although scientific research activities for students of the FBA is entirely new established, it is creating lively movement, mounting the study with research; and creating a premise for inheriting knowledge and building knowledge of students parallelly.

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