On 30 March, 2019, the International Conference on Accounting, Finance and Business 2019, and, the International Conference on English Language Teaching 2019 (ICAFB & ICELT 2019) was taken place in Ho Chi Minh city, organized by the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH) in cooperation with the National Dong-Hwa University, Taiwan (NDU).

The plenary section of the Opening Ceremony of ICAFB & ICELT 2019
The conference aims to create an opportunity for communicating and exchanging ideas, presenting the latest research outcomes in academic fields of accounting, finance, business administration, as well as English teaching; consequently, seeking and promoting cooperation chances in future among institutional partners.
Under the framework of cooperation between IUH and NDU, the economic and foreign language departments from both universities have agreed to co-organize these conferences with participation of distinguished scholars, scientist and researchers from not only Vietnam and Taiwan, but other countries. To IUH sides, participants were President Dr. Nguyen Thien Tue, Vice President Tran Van Thang, Vice President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van Tan, Vice President Dr. Phan Hong Hai, the Director of Science Management and International Cooperation Office – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dam Sao Mai, together with presents Deans of Accounting and Auditing, Finance and Banking, Business Administration, and English language as well as lecturers and students from the corresponding departments.

Dr. Nguyen Thien Tue is delivering his remark opening speech at the conference ICAFB & ICELT 2019
The keynote speaker of the conference was Prof, Dr. Simon Gao, Professor of Accounting and Finance at Edinburgh Napier University Business School, Scotland. The conference has attracted a nearly number of 400 scientists from NDU and other universities from Malaysia, India, together with ones from 21 universities in Vietnam. The conference organizing committee had received 122 papers from 10 countries and regions, including Vietnam. After reviewing, 84 papers had been accepted to be published on the conference proceedings and presented reports in the conference with the four sections: Economics, Finance and Banking, Business Administration, and Foreign language.

Prof, Dr. Simon Gao at the conference ICAFB & ICELT 2019

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Dinh Nguyen – Vice President of University of Finance – Marketing and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sunil Kumar from India at the conference ICAFB & ICELT 2019
On behalf of NDU, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ying-Fen Lin, Chairwoman of the College of Management, also, worked as the Conference Chair, said: “I feel very excited to be at the ICAFB & ICELT 2019. I would like to say thank you to the IUH Board of Directors had well cooperated with NDU to co-organize this conference. I also hope that with the dedicated and thoughtful preparation, in term of academics, reception, materials and facility, the conference will definitely successful”.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ying-Fen Lin, Chairwoman of the College of Management, National Dong-Hwa University is delivering her remark speech at the conference ICAFB & ICELT 2019
The ICAFB & ICELT 2019 is considered as an important milestone of cooperation between IUH and NDU. It was also a chance for updating knowledge and exchanging experience in Accounting and Auditing, Finance and Banking, Business Administration, and English language teaching.
At the end of the conference, after a hard and effectively working day, Vice President Tran Van Thang delivered the closing remark, in which strongly stressed: “The Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City satisfies the conference achievement that partly reflects the right direction on the way to develop of IUH with its slogan: “Innovation, attaining new height – Dynamics, integrating into the globe” in order to make IUH become one of the top ten of Vietnam applied and innovative universities.”.
Some photos at the conference ICAFB & ICELT 2019: