Introduction to Simulation Center

1. General information

  • Project: Faculty of Business Administration- Simulation Center
  • Execution period: 06/2019
  • Duration/ Operation time: 08/2019
  • Funds: Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
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2. Effectiveness

The project is used for courses:

  • Business Administration: Sales Management, Supply chain Management, Operations Management, Office Management and Administration
  • Marketing: Sales Management, Supply chain Management, Retail Management, Office Management and Administration
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The major benefit for students:

  • Nowadays, the Business Administration is one of the industries that receive the top attention of students and also provides human resources diversity for the labour market. With high competition, apart from the requirements of specialist knowledge and soft skills, practical experience in business plays an integral role.
  • The Faculty of Business Administration – Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, is one of the first faculties in the country to set up a Simulation Center to help students experience the business environment before graduating to overcome the difficulties of previous training form with theory. Through business simulation, students can apply specialist knowledge, learn problem-solving skills, develop necessary soft skills, for example, planning skills, communication skills with customers and particularly, the usage of Information and communication technology in the 4.0 revolution to acquire work experience in the practical business environment.
  • Simulation Center of Business Administration Faculty uses enterprise resource planning(ERP) to operate. This software creates business process automation, the establishment of complex business systems with full functionality such as accounting, sales, inventory, human resources, planning and production … Through ERP, lecturers will organise students to simulate all activities in the business to create a unique and comprehensive database connection for businesses:

Production and Operation Activities Simulation: students can practice goods input and storage, barcode management, inventory management, supply chain management and project management in production and business operations.

Sales Simulation: Students can simulate selling and managing system at commercial centres, shopping markets, stores… and implement transactions relating to selling activities such as order, confirmation, payment.

Customer Relationship Management Simulation: students can build the  customer service processes to comprehensively access, connect, manage and take care of customers Human Resource Management Simulation: students simulate activities related to recruitment, salary, welfare, capacity assessment system for employers.

With the training model through Simulation Center, the Faculty of Business Administration – Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City is committed to providing high-quality human resources in business administration with in-depth knowledge and professional skills, good attitude and business ethics meeting the requirements of domestic and foreign businesses.

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