In the trend of regional and world integration of education, finding and applying a new model and teaching method to improve the quality of higher education in Vietnam is becoming an urgent need and is the concern of those who are interested in the career of educating people, from educational management agencies, university leaders to direct lecturers. One of the solutions to improve the quality and standardize the Business Administration training program is to innovate the organization of class models and teaching methods. One of the class models that schools and departments encourages teaching staff to use is the Flipped Classroom Model.
Flipped Classroom is an advanced education model applied based on the development of Elearning technology and modern training methods. With this model, learners focus the lectures online at home. Class time will be for interactive and collaborative activities that reinforce theoretical issues explored. Learners will be proactive in understanding, studying more theory, accessing video lectures, and case studies in the form of video clips at any time, stopping the lecture, taking note and reviewing if needed. Elearning technology helps learners better understand the theory, then be ready to participate in group sessions, confidently discuss in class, and actively do advanced exercises. In addition to the content of self-design, lecturers can use the content of other lecturers and service providers which common in foreign countries. In order for the teaching and learning process to be successful, the Elearning courses must be very methodical and attractive to draw learners’attention without distraction but focusing on learning. Lecturers must manage and evaluate the acquisition of knowledge through small exercises accompanying with the curriculum.

With traditional classes, learners go to school, listen to their lectures and return home to do homework making them passive learners and this form is known as “Low thinking”. At this time, lecturers’ role is to transfer new knowledge and according to Bloom’s thinking ladder, this task is only at lower levels (ie “knowing” and “understanding”), while the learners’ task is to do practical exercises and according to Bloom’s thinking ladder, this task is of high rank (including “application”, “analysis”, ” synthesis ” and “evaluation”), which is not appropriate. Because the higher-level task should have been undertaken by the teacher yet by the learners or by the unprofessional. However, with flipped classes, knowledge-based learning is directed by teachers (through ELearning courses, pre-prepared assignments, and learners’ self-research and studey); learners’ task is to acquire new knowledge and do low-level homework at home. In class, interaction, discussion and sharing knowledge are organized by lecturers. High-level exercises are also conducted in the classroom with lectures’ support, teammates and classmates.
In the Flipped Classroom, learners are centered and time to study theory and doing excersices is at home while class time is for discussing, exploring topics deeply and creating more interesting learning opportunities for learners. At class, learners can actively master the discussions. Flipped Classroom allows teachers to spend more time with each individual, each group of learners who does not understand the lesson or consider issues thoroughly. This helps learners to be more confident and positive and also helps learning and research become more effective. This modern way of learning requires learners to have a lot of mental activities so it is called “High thinking”. At that time, high-level tasks in Bloom’s thinking ladder are performed by both teachers and students. Students are not allowed to sit passively listening decreasing the boredom. The plus point for this method is that learners can learn anytime, anywhere and with any devices connected to the internet such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers, etc.

This method of learning is highly feasible for learners who are able to self-study, have discipline and determination. The effectiveness of the method has also been proven for a long time in many countries with strong educational development such as the US, Europe and Australia. In Vietnam, this model is still new. Recently, some lecturers of Faculty of Business Administration of Industrial University of HCM city have applied and had some encouraging results; however, this has shown some limitations in applying one part yet the whole of the flipped classroom model.
However, applying this method in practice has also encountered many difficulties such as: Changing the perception and behavior of lecturers from the role of “transmitting” to “guiding” is probably the biggest barrier for each teacher; Many students are not used to studying under this model; Technology among learners are not equal because of students’ lack access to technology; the Flipped Classroom model cannot be used for all teaching subjects; The specification of each country’s education, each school, as well as the characteristics and skills of learners are different. It takes a lot of time and effort for the lecturers to prepare their lessons; Using other tools to organize learning activities at home and in class requires lecturers to be good at technology and competence in methods; Poor Internet access will disrupt learning at home; Not all learners are interested in this method; Not all lessons are suitable for this method, so it is necessary to have an assessment method that is appropriate to the teaching contents, not too dependent on exams. Lecturers and subject group must have professional meetings to share experiences to build synchronous plans and throughout the school year.
William A. Bartd said “The outstanding teacher knows how to illustrate, the great teacher knows how to inspire.” With the Flipped Class Model, the teacher will illustrate his lecture and idea in the most intuitive and the easiest way to inspire learners./.
Lecturer: Tran Phi Hoang, Marketing Department